Tuesday, May 31, 2011

mad and fat.

Yes, I am mad...as in crazy mad. Just ask my kids, they'll confirm this fact.

Yes, I am Fat.

I planned to record my weight when I decided to start this diary, but now I can't seem to type it in. Why? Well, because I'm mad. But that should make recording such a ugly thing easier, right?

Deep breath didn't help. So I'll just keep writing. I am tired of being fat. I've been fat for most of my life. As a child I was a normal, health size. As a teen, woo hoo I was hot! Maybe alittle too hot for my own good. I started making bad decisions and ruined my self-esteem. So now I am fat.

The last few years, and most ex specially the last few months, I've been just surviving. No goals, no desires, no future-making. Just focus on raising my kids, trying to make enough money to live, and looking after my family. But now, I've made a choice. I have a goal. A life I've always wanted to live, but been to afraid to do it. Why? Because this life I want is too different, too strange, too out there....and too hard for a fat girl. This is what I want. Simple Life.

I want a simple home. A yurt. (look it up!) A garden. Chickens. Living off the grid. Open space filled with light, peace and most importantly, God. No more clutter! No more physical clutter (I really don't need all the stuff I've got), no more body clutter (i.e. FAT), and no more mind clutter.That's not asking too much.

I don't want the fancy job, a big paycheck, a big car, all the latest gizmo, a closet full of clothes, designer furniture, and all that commercial stuff. Just simple life.

So now I have a goal, a future to plan for and everyday I'm going to step closer to this life. Save money instead of spend it. Eat healthy. Exercise. De clutter. Move forward toward this life I want instead of sitting still, wishing for it. And I'm going to record my progress here.

277.6 - I did it. Now lets move on.

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