Friday, June 3, 2011


I'm off to a slow start. I did work on Wednesday and we went to town on Thursday. Now, going to town for us is big business. We live in a remote place and town is 1 hour away, 2 hours round trip. So going to town is a treat. I was actually proud of myself. You see, I'm a bit (ok, a big bit) of a shop-o-holic. I have way more stuff then I need, but I love to buy things. This Thursday I was so disciplined that when I picked up something that wasn't on my list...I looked at it, I thought about it, I reasoned with myself of how useful it would be, then I put it back on the shelf and walked away. WOW who am I? I stuck to my list! I went to Wal-mart, spent just over 40$ and got only what was needed (that I couldn't make myself...i.e. medicine and sunblock)
As far as taking steps closer to my dream home, well, I didn't the last two days. But, this morning I got up and after spraying tons of bug spray on me (ticks are bad this time of year) I hauled over 75 pounds of pea-rock up to my site. The building site of my future home is farther up the mountain then the family cabin I'm in right now. I had to dig foot holes in part of the path up to the site, it's so steep. So hauling rock and my big butt up a mountainside, well, I am impressed. The rock is for the foundation of my chicken coop, part of the over-all dream. I'm thinking that I need to get up earlier (about 5:30am) and start working out at the site about 6am till 8am every morning...clearing the site and all. That way I'm not working in the heat of the day and I'll get things done for the dream, 1st thing (instead of procrastinating, another issue of mine). I'm kind of hoping this idea will just pass, but I know it needs done. I can build toward my dream and work-out at the same time. Practical thinking really stinks!

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